Monday, May 3, 2010

Away we go...

Well, May has begun and has started off great! I played a worship concert on the 1st with my old band "Far From Perfect". It was a great time of praise and worship. It really felt good to be back with the guys playing again. We have played a few places before this event, but not much as a group. We seemed to gel very well. There were about 30-40 people there, so it was very intimate in nature. It was funny when after the service, there were some tweenage girls running around trying to get autographs...My friend and guitar player Kent was asked to sign the back of their hands...They were laughing and saying how "cute" he was...I was ROLLING!!! Myself nor any of the guys are really about signing autographs or self glorification, but that was such a classic moment, I HAD to blog about it.
I am looking forward with great anticipation to playing another 8-10 events in the next 2 months. Several bookings are opening up in August and on into the fall. The CD comes out officially on June 1st. Pretty exciting stuff. I am optimistic that God will show his favor on the album and put it into the ears of people who need to hear it.
Please check the dates on my website for more event dates. Till next time. - Jamison