Well, it has been a while since I have blogged, so I thought I should. The band and I have been busy boys this summer and fall. We have had tons of events scheduled and continue to book more of them. God is doing great things and we are hopeful that He will continue to use us to speak to His people. I have been working a lot of hours of late and saving up money for an upcoming trip to Chicago. The band and I will travel to Chi-town along with my daughter and my wife to audition for "America's Got Talent". My daughter Shelden has written a song and will sing it acapella for the judges. The band and I will do 90 seconds of "Psalm 33" from my CD.
I am absolutely loving touring with the guys. Danny, Hunter, Kent and I really enjoy spending time together and cutting loose. I have seen much improvement from the guys in their skill level and level of relaxation on stage. They have really amped it up. They have taken to jumping around on stage and having fun while praising God. This makes me smile. I am glad they feel they can do so. They do not do so to entertain man, but to express their hearts of worship before man...If you are reading this blog, and are in an area where we will be playing, please come out. We would love to rock with you! Till next time - Jamison
So excited to see what God is doing!